
Design and Application of Intelligent Dynamic Deviation Correction System for Belt Conveyors

  • 摘要: 针对目前跑偏检测及纠偏方式在实际应用中存在的问题,文章提出了一种集跑偏检测、自动纠偏、智能保护于一体的主动纠偏方案。该系统将具备两级旋转机构的纠偏立辊作为跑偏检测及纠偏的核心机构,并对相应监控系统进行设计。系统采用倾角、位移等传感装置精确感知皮带偏移距离,建立了以CAN总线为核心的高速通信网络;通过远程上位机分析计算实现对纠偏角度的精确自动控制,并最终通过试验应用验证了设计的有效性。该设计实现了无人干预下的皮带主动纠偏,对有效改善和保证带式输送机安全稳定运行有一定的实用参考意义。


    Abstract: A proactive deviation correction scheme that integrates deviation detection, automatic deviation correction, and protection is proposed to address the current problems in the practical application of deviation detection and correction methods. A deviation correction vertical roller with a two-stage rotating mechanism is used as the core mechanism for deviation detection and correction, and the corresponding monitoring system is designed. The system uses sensing devices such as inclination and displacement to accurately sense the deviation distance of the belt, and establishes a high-speed communication network centered on CAN bus. The deviation angle is accurately and automatically controlled through remote upper computer analysis and calculation. The effectiveness of the design is verified through experimental applications, and the active deviation correction of the belt under unmanned intervention is realized. It has certain practical reference significance for effectively improving and ensuring the safe and stable operation of the belt conveyor.


